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Is It Possible for Marijuana to Impair Your Driving?

Is It Possible for Marijuana to Impair Your Driving?

With passage of the new medical marijuana law in Oklahoma, more Oklahomans may soon be using marijuana legally. This raises concerns among law enforcement about impaired driving, and concerns among ordinary citizens about unnecessary roadside arrests when people are not actually “impaired”. Oklahoma has strict DWI laws that prohibit any “impaired” driving, even if you are impaired because of a legal drug and have a prescription. Driving erratically after using marijuana is no exception. Substances that could impair you include those that are “capable of being ingested, inhaled, injected or absorbed into the human body and are capable of adversely affecting...

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New Report Recommends 0.05 BAC Limit

A new report encourages states to adopt a 0.05 blood alcohol concentration limit for drivers accused of driving under the influence. In a study sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a non-profit group called the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examined drunk driving fatalities over the past 30 years and the costs associated with enforcement of DUI laws. The National Academies concluded that lowering the BAC limit – making it easier for drivers to be arrested – and changing a host of strategies for combatting drunk driving would lower fatalities. This latest report is far from the...

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