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You Lied During a Traffic Stop and Got Arrested. What Next?

You Lied During a Traffic Stop and Got Arrested. What Next?

So you made some bad decisions recently – you got pulled over by the police, told a lie, and then the officer arrested you. You have been charged with DUI or drug possession. What should you do next? First, you need a lawyer. Second, don’t tell any more lies, and third, be realistic about the charges you face. Lawyer Up If you lied to the police or withheld some important information, you need a lawyer to help you with your case. A lawyer can present the best defense against the prosecutor’s case, try to negotiate a plea bargain or deal, and “rehabilitate”...

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I Lied to My Lawyer – Now What?

I Lied to My Lawyer – Now What?

So you lied to your lawyer. You told your lawyer that you did not stop at a bar on your way home from work, or you forgot to mention that you finished a bottle of whiskey before leaving the house. What should you do? Lawyers wish that clients would own up to their lies immediately – or at least before they step into a courtroom. The problem with lies is that they lead to more lies. Lies to your lawyer do not allow the lawyer to prepare adequately for defending you and limit your chances of success. Imagine a DUI client who...

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Lying Under Oath and DUI Defendants

Lying Under Oath and DUI Defendants

Perjury, or lying under oath, is a crime in Oklahoma and the rest of the United States. The strongest defense to perjury is that the statement made was actually the truth. Oklahoma defines perjury as follows: “Whoever, in a trial, hearing, investigation, deposition, certification or declaration, in which the making or subscribing of a statement is required or authorized by law, makes or subscribes a statement under oath, affirmation or other legally binding assertion that the statement is true, when in fact the witness or declarant does not believe that the statement is true or knows that it is not true...

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